Terms And Conditions

User Agreement
This usage agreement, the privacy of use, the terms and conditions, and all the policies published on the Dlala platform were developed to protect and preserve the rights of both the Dlala Digital Electronic Marketing Foundation and the user who accesses the site with or without registration or the consumer who benefits from the content with or without registration. .

Terms, conditions, conditions and legal disputes are subject to the laws, legislation and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
As a user or consumer on the Dlala platform, you agree to abide by everything contained in this agreement once you use the platform, access it, or register for the service. The Dlala platform also has the right to amend this agreement at any time, and it is considered binding on all parties after announcing the update on the site or in any other means.
Article One: Definition
1. Dlala Platform: It is an electronic platform that allows users to open an account to publish their content in accordance with regulations and legislation. Its headquarters is in Jeddah. It is referred to in this agreement as Dlala Digital Electronic Marketing Corporation (the owner of the Dlala Platform), or we, or us, or the site, or the platform, or the first party. .
2. User: He is the creator of the account on the Dlala platform for the purpose of communicating, browsing, publishing content, or to create an electronic store as a service provider for practicing e-commerce on the Dlala platform. He is referred to in this agreement as the member, practitioner, service provider, or second party.
3. Online store: It is the electronic account that allows the user to display a product, sell it, provide a service, advertise it, or exchange data about it.
  Article Two: Terms of Use
As a second party to this agreement and as a beneficiary of the services of the Dlala platform, you must commit to the following:
1. Do not advertise or upload content or items that do not fit the classifications available on the platform and are allowed to be sold, and review the terms of advertising and prohibited goods before advertising.
2. Do not violate or circumvent the laws, policies and regulations of the platform or any rights related to a third party.
3. Do not copy the advertisement from the Dlala platform and republish it on other sites.
4. Do not use any illegal means to access advertisements or other users’ data, or violate the policy and rights of the Dlala Digital Foundation for electronic marketing, or access the content of the platform, or collect and collect information and data related to the Dlala platform or its customers, and benefit from it in any way, or republish it.
5. Do not use our Services if you are not legally qualified to complete this Agreement.
6. Do not manipulate the prices of goods, whether in buying or selling, and cause harm to other consumers.
7. The advertisement must not include a false offer, statement, or claim or formulated in terms that would directly or indirectly lead to deceiving or misleading the consumer, slander, or defamation.
8. Do not interfere with policies, international sovereignty, prominent figures, or any illegal discussions in the Dlala Digital Electronic Marketing Foundation.
9. Do not transfer your account or activity to other sites that carry the organization’s logo or services.
10. Not to violate the intellectual property rights of Dlala Digital Establishment for Electronic Marketing, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, advertising, databases, or other intellectual property rights that belong to the institution or licensed to Dlala Digital Establishment for Electronic Marketing.
11. The advertisement must not include a logo or trademark that you do not have the right to use, or an imitation trademark or anything that violates the intellectual property rights of others or a patent.
12. Adherence to real estate advertising controls set by the General Real Estate Authority.
13. Do not collect or use the personal data of website users or its electronic communications for unauthorized or permissible purposes, or disclose it to another party, in exchange for or without compensation, except with the consent of the person to whom the personal data relates or if the regulations require that.
14. Do not do anything that might harm the reputation of the Dlala Digital E-Marketing Foundation in any way, whether on the platform itself or on other social media platforms. The Foundation reserves the right to seek recourse against you for all damages resulting from that.
15. Do not impersonate the Dlala Digital Electronic Marketing Foundation, its representative, or its employee, or any description that suggests that you are affiliated with the organization unless you have official permission from the organization.

Article Three: Responsibility
1. Dlala Digital Electronic Marketing Corporation provides a service that enables the user to display his goods and publish content in accordance with the agreed upon usage policy. It does not provide any guarantees and does not bear any responsibility in the event that the user or consumer does not adhere to it.
2. The Dlala platform disclaims any responsibility for any risk, damage, consequences, or losses incurred by the seller, buyer, or any other party. Anyone who has been harmed must visit the Contact Us link and explain the damage to him, and the organization will take action according to the type of incident without any liability.
3. By using the Dlala platform, you acknowledge that you bear full responsibility for ensuring that you follow all relevant laws, regulations, and rules when using the platform. You also bear full responsibility for managing all purchases and delivery operations if the account is an electronic store, and resolving problems and disputes arising from the content of the advertisement. You are also fully committed to the controls and conditions of the content set forth by the Dlala Platform. You alone bear the consequences and damages of the content and disclaim the Dlala Platform from any claims resulting from or arising from it. Related to or resulting from your dealings.
4. By using the Dlala platform, you authorize the platform to save the personal and non-personal data and information that you entered on the organization’s servers, and we have the right to view and review them.
5. By using the Dlala platform, you acknowledge the platform’s right to monitor private responses when needed to ensure that they are free of violations of the user agreement, and we have the right to delete the advertisement and dispose of the attached images when necessary.
6. The circulars, decisions, and directives of the site’s management and supervisors are considered binding on the second party after they are delivered to him via the site’s messages, mobile phone, e-mail, or via the notification system, and he must abide by them and act in accordance with them.
7. By using the platform, you acknowledge the right of the Dlala Platform. In the event that you violate the regulations and laws followed in the Kingdom or the policies and laws of the Dlala Platform, the Dlala Digital Electronic Marketing Foundation has the right to recover from you all damages and losses, and to charge you with attorney’s fees in all matters and cases related to your violation, and you are committed to compensating for them.

Article Four: Conditions for membership
Membership is: the username with which the person registered on the Dlala platform, which is linked to his mobile number, and must be subject to the following conditions:
1. It is necessary to choose a decent and appropriate name during the registration process.
2. It is prohibited to create more than one account for the same user on the platform.
3. It is prohibited to use more than one membership in the platform for each person or entity.
4. You must update your mobile number associated with the membership in the event that your mobile number is changed or lost.
5. If your membership name contains a trade name or trademark, you must be the trademark owner or authorized to use the name or trademark.
6. It is prohibited to sell or assign the membership to another party or allow any other party to use it. The first membership holder is responsible for any violations or legal responsibilities. In the event of a sale or assignment, both parties are considered to be in violation of the usage policy on the Dlala platform.
7. The member is obligated not to share his membership information with anyone.
8. “Dlala Platform” is committed to taking the necessary standards to protect and preserve data, noting that the Internet is not a 100% safe way to save confidential information. (See privacy policy).
9. The Service exchanges some information with your device for the purpose of providing the Service to you.
10. The platform uses statistical programs such as Google Analytics in order to develop and improve the service.
11. By using the Dlala platform, you acknowledge the platform’s right to suspend your number or account and include it in the list of suspended accounts in the event that a report or complaint is filed against you or if you commit a violation that the platform management deems worthy of suspension, and you pledge not to publish these facts and events via electronic platforms or websites. Social media and others. We have the right, if this is proven, to go to the competent authority to impose penalties and fines and oblige you to compensate for all damages and losses resulting from this.

Article Five: Conditions for adding content to the platform
1. You undertake not to advertise any prohibited goods on the platform.
2. You undertake not to add any prohibited responses on the platform.
3. You undertake to determine the selling price of the advertised item.
4. You undertake to follow up on your advertisement and respond to customer inquiries through responses or through messages.
5. You undertake to adhere to the duplicate advertising policy.
6. The advertised advertising material must be a good or service only.

7. The advertisement must be fully detailed and in the correct section.
8. The platform has the right to delete any content or advertisement without mentioning the reason for the deletion.
9. It is prohibited to copy any advertisement from the platform.
10. The advertiser is obligated to ensure that the images added in the advertisement are of the same product as the advertised product.
11. Content images must be ethically appropriate and of high quality and do not violate the regulations of the Ministry of Labor or Human Rights or any governmental or private entity.
12. The advertiser is obligated not to add more than 2 ads on the platform for the same product.
13. You must commit not to advertise goods and services that fall on the list of prohibited goods and services. You must also adhere to the list of prohibited responses and prohibited messages.
14. You undertake not to advertise to someone you do not know or register to someone you do not know.
15. Updating and modifying the advertisement is subject to all terms and conditions in this agreement, and the user is considered responsible for any violations that occurred during the creation of the advertisement or after updating or modifying.
16. Creation, updating and modification are the sole responsibility of the user.
17. The advertiser is obligated to update the advertisement, and if the advertisement is not updated, the advertisement will be automatically deleted.

Article Six: Prohibited advertisements
The following list contains most of the methods and methods of advertising prohibited on the platform:
1. All advertisements that are not related to buying and selling
2. Advertisement in order to add a suggestion or discuss a problem with the management of the Dlala platform. Ads are for sale only.
3. Adding announcements about suggestions for developing the platform. For suggestions or complaints, fill out the form in the (Contact Us) box.
4. The advertisement has incomplete details.
5. Poor quality advertising.
6. Weak communication between the advertiser and members interested in the offered product. (Example: Announcing the sale of a car and then not responding to calls or replying messages).
7. Advertisement in the wrong section. (For example: advertising a car request and advertising a Jeep Cherokee for sale in the Ford section).
8. Add an ad and have another membership blocked. You must first discuss the ban with us before adding any new ad.
9. Adding a picture that is not of the same item if the item is a car, even if it is for the purpose of clarification.
10. Adding pictures of an item other than the one shown.
11. Any advertisement that contains a reference to a racist matter in any form.
12. Any advertisement containing incorrect information, whether the error was intentional or unintentional. (For example: announcing a car as not having been involved in an accident, then later proving that the car had been involved in an accident).
13. Adding an advertisement for the purpose of defamation. If you have a complaint against our advertiser, please write to us and explain the problem. If you have a problem with an entity related to us, please complain to the entity responsible for that.
14. Adding an ad title that contradicts the content of the ad (for example: writing in the ad title: Camry 2011, then in the content of the ad announcing a request for a 2011 Camry. When the visitor sees the title, he will think that there is an offer for a 2011 Camry)
15. Copying an advertisement for another advertiser, or part of it.
16. General advertisements that do not specify the specific commodity (such as: the advertisement titled (We have lands for sale) or the advertisement titled We have cars for sale in our showroom). The correct thing is to advertise the product itself (for example: We have a car of such and such, model such and such.
17. Donation announcements and requests for help. The state system prohibits donation and charitable work outside the legal scope specified for that.
18. Announcements of contributions and subscriptions.
19. Begging and helping beggars. The member who helps beggars will be banned on the platform.
20. Requesting mediation and assistance, whether legitimate or illegitimate.
21. Advertisements that contain abuse of power.
22. Advertisement in responses.

Article Seven: Prohibited Replies
The following list contains most of the prohibited responses:
1. Advertisement in replies.
2. Undervaluation.
3. Insulting and cursing, whether there is justification or not.
4. Lack of seriousness and unwillingness to buy.
5. Commenting to add a joke or news.
6. Mocking the product or the advertiser.

Article Eight: Prohibited private messages

The following list contains most of the blocked private messages:
1. Advertisement in private messages.
2. Insulting and cursing, whether justified or unjustified.

Article Nine: Subscriptions System
The Haraj platform provides an annual subscription system for some services. If you subscribe to a system, you must adhere to the subscription terms, which differ from each other depending on the type and nature of the subscription. You must generally adhere to the following:
1. You must read the subscription terms before paying the fees and ensure that the subscription is compatible with the nature of your activity.
2. Subscription fees must be paid before benefiting from the service.
3. The Dlala platform has the right to suspend your account or limit the account’s features if it is found that you do not comply with the regulations or policy of using the platform.
4. If you want to recover the subscription fees, you must submit a refund request within 3 days from the date of payment.
5. The platform is not obligated to return the subscription fees if the recovery request is delayed by more than 3 days from the date of payment or if the account was suspended due to violation of the usage policy.

Article 10: Payment and dealing mechanism
To protect your dealings with the seller or buyer, you need to follow all or one of the following steps:
1. The pledge of allegiance must be carried out face to face in a public place and in reliable and regular ways.
2. Verify the identity of the seller or buyer before taking any action.
3. You must inspect the item to ensure that it is free of any defects.
4. Use the secure payment methods described in the instructions for dealing on the platform.
Failure to comply with the above directions may expose you to fraud. You hereby acknowledge that you bear responsibility and that the Dlala Digital Electronic Marketing Foundation is not a party to the transaction and does not bear any responsibility and is committed to filing a report or complaint on the Dlala platform to deal with the fraudulent party. It is committed to filing a complaint with the competent authority according to the legal procedures in the event of any damage. It undertakes not to publish these facts and events via electronic platforms, social networking sites, etc.

Article Eleven: The security policy of the Dlala Digital E-Marketing Foundation
Dlala Digital Marketing Corporation is committed to the usage agreement and the privacy of use. We are not a party to any dispute or issues that arise between users due to one or both of them violating the usage agreement. However, we seek to enhance the security aspect of the platform in order to limit and eliminate violations carried out by some users on the platform in violation of the policy. And the terms of use, in order to achieve the integrity of buying and selling and to combat fraud, fraud and deception in application of the laws, legislation and regulations followed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the Digital Dalla Foundation for Electronic Marketing has the right to take the necessary action against any violating individual or legal entity, noting that the action may lead to legal and judicial prosecution before The relevant party. Here we list the common violations and the necessary action against them:

The customer has been exposed to a scam by another party: the customer must inform the competent security authorities. Fill out the relevant complaint form on the Dlala platform on the (Contact Us) page. The platform management will review the complaint and investigate the defendant customer so that the necessary action can be taken against him. The Dlala platform will not be a party to such cases and we do not bear any responsibility, but we will provide what we have to the competent authorities if this is officially requested.

1. Violation of the state’s policy or sovereignty: The advertisement will be deleted, the advertiser’s membership will be suspended, and the competent authorities will be informed of this.
2. In the event of advertising any prohibited goods: the advertisement will be documented and archived, deleted, the member will be suspended, and the relevant authorities will be informed.
3. In the event that an individual, institution, or company uses illegal means (such as hacking or using illegal data collection methods or any means) with the aim of accessing the platform’s content, the platform’s programming, the platform’s databases, or the information and data belonging to Dlala’s customers in order to copy advertisements. Republish it or benefit from it in any way. Dlala Digital Electronic Marketing Foundation will go to the competent authorities to prosecute the other party on charges of electronic hacking and committing the crime of violating information crime regulations.
4. If an individual or legal entity copies advertisements from Dlala Digital Electronic Marketing Establishment to another site, Dlala Digital Electronic Marketing Establishment will go to the competent authorities to file a lawsuit and prosecute the other party on the grounds of infringement of the organization’s rights.
5. Infringement of intellectual property rights and patents of a third party: If you believe that one of your rights has been infringed, you must fill out the complaint form for infringement of rights and submit proof of infringement in the published advertisement, and Dlala Digital Electronic Marketing Foundation will review the complaint, study it, and ensure its validity. The necessary action will be taken, and you must go to the competent authorities if you wish to sue the party that violated your rights. Note that Dlala Digital Electronic Marketing Foundation will not be a party to the case and is not responsible for it, and we do not bear any responsibility.
6. If the second party falsely evaluates another member, the two members will be suspended and prevented from using the platform if cooperation between them becomes clear. The necessary measures will be taken for any consequences caused by this evaluation.
7. In the event of being subjected to defamation, insults, or violation of privacy: The customer must fill out the relevant complaint form, and the platform administration will review the complaint and investigate the defendant customer, and the necessary action will be taken against him if it is confirmed that he has violated the usage agreement. The customer who suffered damage must go to the relevant authorities to file a complaint. Dlala Digital Marketing Corporation will not be a party to such cases and will not bear any responsibility, but we will provide the necessary data to the competent authorities if this is officially requested.
8. Inconvenience: When a customer is exposed to inconvenience by another customer, he must do the following:
Block annoying member
9. In the event of damage, the relevant authorities will be informed about the annoying matter, while acknowledging that the Haraj platform is not a party to this dispute and does not bear any responsibility, and that no data is provided except through an official request from the competent authorities.